Our World

Digitally connected, but physically detached.

Chances are, you’re reading this while slumped over at your desk or lying in a darker-than-day, climate-controlled room.

Your phone’s artificial glow is too bright for your eyes but not bright enough to compete with the cobalt skies that energize the world beyond your walls.

We’re nature deficient — the further we stray from nature’s rhythms, the sicker we become.  

We need the soft glow of fire, the sweet smell of pine and the feeling of grass between our toes. 

We need to reconnect.

Our Mission

Help you connect with the natural world.

You walk upon storied land, but the earth beneath you and the trees above may feel insignificant and unfamiliar.

But we’re all intimately connected to nature. Each breath we take is a reminder of our connection to the natural world: At the most fundamental level, respiration is reciprocation.

Our mission is to connect you with nature by sharing its stories and offering guides to help you access its wonders. 

We may not be able to live in nature, but we can certainly find ways to live more naturally. Living naturally, in sync with nature’s rhythms, soothes the soul and harmonizes our existence with the world around us.

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Our values


We're made to move. An active lifestyle is good for your physical, mental and spiritual health.

Natural Living

Most of us can't live in nature, but we can find ways of living more naturally. 


The great outdoors are for everyone. No matter who you are, outdoor spaces and wild places are gifts that should be accessible to all.

Embrace Discomfort

Embracing discomfort fosters growth. Difficult hikes build mental resilience and foster a deeper appreciation for nature's beauty and our own capabilities.
The more we are removed from nature, the more we are denied our birthright to play in forests, climb mountains, follow streams, and fall in love with meadows, to become creative, self-actualized, deeply intuitive.
Kim Heacox

Our team


Founder & lead web desiger




Gear specialist



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